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Comforting Sightings - UPDATE August 27, 2024

Lily's 4 cubs

GuyGuyThe day started with a call that Guy was sighted!. The picture shows the many gray hairs on his face as one would expect in his mid-twenties. Collen w/ 2 of 4 cubsCollen w/ 2 of 4 cubsWe don’t know his exact age, but he is still the calm, trusting bear he has been since we got to know him in 2007. Always a treat.

Another treat recently was time spent with 21-year-old Colleen and her four cubs. The picture shows her with two of them. Course participant Elaine Bailey-Anderson got a nice picture of another one high in a white pine using a lens that reaches farther than any that I have. Good shot, Elaine!! Glad you were there with your camera to get it.

 Lily Lily

Last but not least was an ultra-exciting call that Lily and her four cubs (3 males and a female) were spotted. We hurried over, saw Lily and her cubs as she was leaving, and reveled in our luck even though we didn’t get to interact with her.

Cub in white pineCub in white pine by ElaineBA

It is always nice to see these wonderful bears, how they're doing and how their cubs are growing. These bears made us happy that they are all looking fit and healthy.

Thank you for all you do,
Lynn Rogers, Biologist, Wildlife Research Institute and North American Bear Center

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